Get Involved

Your involvement is what makes all the difference!  I would love to add you as a supporter.  

The best way to support is VOTE!  Election day is November 5, 2013.  Early voting will be AT CITY HALL  October 22-25, 7:30-11:30am and October 28-November 1, 1:00-5:00 pm.   We will need ALL of  Centerville to become interested and involved to ensure that the results reflect Centerville’s true voice.
Please be sure to vote!

Any other help you can give makes all the difference!  A successful campaign is a TEAM EFFORT.  Please choose from the following ways to help:

Financial Contribution:

________  $200
________  $100
________  $50
________  $20
________  other (any amount helps!)
(can pay through paypal here)


_______  Sign location
_______  Cottage meeting in your home
_______  Door to door contacting
_______  Drop off fliers
_______  Voting reminder calls
_______  Misc. help as needed

(contact me anything you MAY be able to do & I will call you with more information)

I also desire to understand the issues that are most important to you and the things you would like to see happening in your city.  Take a moment and share with me your thoughts by commenting on this page, calling, or emailing.


  like •Tami For Centerville• facebook page

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